surgery didn't start until almost 2 pm. His surgeon had an emergency. She's worried about Eli's surgery because of the pneumonia and complications eli has with lines and anesthesia. anesthesia is concerned too.
they will do the port, brain stem hearing test, a scope of stomach and intestines, check the testicle that went back up, and fix and work on any problems she finds along the way.
he will be intubated. they wanted to avoid that because of the risk of spreading the pneumonia but they have no choice. she said this won't be a fast surgery.
i'm scared, and she's very serious which always makes me nervous. i know she will watch over my son as if he was her own because she always has in the past. his docs are pretty protective of eli.
will update as we can.
Hi Heather. You don't know me but I'm friends with Bobby. I have been reading your blogspot about Eli. Your little man is surely a big fighter. I am praying for him during this surgery. Please post updates as soon as you know anything. Prayers to your family during this most difficult time!!
So sorry that you're going through all of this. Just now getting to read the updates. Was hoping all was well but seems like you and Tiny have been through more than planned. Is it a central line that they put in? If so, they should scrub it with alcohol for 15 secs prior to any access and if the needle is to be left in the port, the access should be done sterile. Not sure how much they told you so figured I would let you know just incase they don't follow those directions you know to get on them immediately! ((HUGS)) I know it's really a rough road right now but you are amazing parents and God couldn't have picked better guardians for Tiny.
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