Thursday, September 6, 2007

car shopping sucks

i hate car shopping. i really do. as most of you know Bri's car blew the engine and we are down to 1 vehicle. right now it's mostly working out. My mom borrowed a car from a friend so we have 4 vehicles total, but the borrowed car is bad...So it's not a great solution. so we are car shopping. they refuse to pretty much answer any questions over the phone. i don't have hours and hours to sit around and hang out and chit chat. i want the info and then i want to decide if it's worth going in and looking. but they have other things in mind. so we are going to have to drag ourselves out there tonight. I'm so not pleased by that.
we have a couple coming back to look at our house next week. they are really interested, so we are hoping they will make an offer!
Still no decision yet on the kids and I moving to Iowa now. I'm hoping to get an answer on that tonight. I'm so hoping that we can work it out for us to go. I'm a bit nervous about the thought of being in an unfamiliar city/state by myself with all 4 of my hooligans, but the thought is also a bit exciting. I know that I can do it and that it would all work out, it would just be a bit of work. Not that it isn't work now! :)
i'm contemplating a nap. seriously contemplating a nap! :)

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