I apologize for constantly falling behind on updates. Life just slips by. Eli's EEG update came back ok, so we wait for the next round of testing. He has his EKG and ECHO this Tuesday. Hoping for some good information then. He's been on a goofy scheduale lately and it's really starting to affect him, and us. Hoping we can figure it out soon.
Friday we ran some errands, had a few appointments, and a family evening. We had some friends over for dinner, then attempted to watch a movie. All of the kids were bouncing off the walls so we walked down to the park and let them play. They all had a great time.
Saturday was our lazy day. We took the kids to a local super nice park and they played for quite a while. then home for a touch of cleaning and then NOTHING. It was nice! We played wii, watched a bit of TV, knit, played outside, talked etc.. We ate dinner, then headed downstairs for games with the kids. It was nice to spend a whole day doing nothing together as a family.
Sunday the older 4 had church, and Eli and I hung out at home and ran errands with his nurse. The kids got home and the little 2 napped and the big 2 rode bikes and played outside with the neighbor kids. The little 2 went outside as well after nap. Ben was so tired after playing outside for 2 hours that he almost fell asleep at the dinner table. He was so cute! i was able to get the main body of my lace shawl done yesterday as well!!!
today is school and laundry for me! Hoping to have a fairly low key day around here. We'll see how that goes on account of the fact that Mr Eli is awake AGAIN and not in the best of moods.
I will update tomorrow after his appt with the cardiologist.
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