Friday, July 18, 2008


I went to the doctor this morning. He put me on a strong dose of antibiotics 3 times a day and I check back in with him on Wednesday unless it gets any worse. I'm not running a fever yet but definately run down and really sore. He will be in the office tomorrow and wants me to call and check in with him then.

This morning a whole crew of people arrived at our house. The took down 1 tree, started taking down another, took down part of the roof and began putting on the new roof. They began digging out part of the drainage dish and outlined everything that they will be doing with us. 3 trees coming down, the drainage culvert dug out, drainage tiles and all that fixed, the back wall repaired, an entirely new roof, the storage shed and dog run taken down, all the satellite dishes removed, our stove fixed, and our AC has finally been repaired. So we are VERY happy to see these things getting fixed. Oh and when the landlord came over for the meeting they took up the carpet and took out the rotted and molded wood and caulked the whole so more rain can't come in. We discussed with him that we love the house and would have considered buying if it wasn't for the issues. He said this is something that we can work out as the repairs are done. We can only hope that he continues to hold up on this. We didn't sign or agree to anything so all is safe there. We will wait and see what his workers actually complete over this next week.

Lastly we heard about Jace's GI doc. Our family doc agrees that we need to move on to a new we are going to go ahead and go to the University of Iowa Hospitals to a Pediatric GI Surgeon. I'm excited and nervous to be finally getting into the doctor that we have been hoping for for years! This is a GREAT facility with amazing doctors and cutting edge treatments and programs! Jace's first appointment is on the 7th of August, 1 day after he turns 5!!!!

That's all for now. Dinner is cooking and I'm sore and tired. More later....

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