Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Turn for the worse

At 4am Eli had a coughing fit and it took the nurses 10 minutes to get his O2 levels someone back to acceptable. So Bob packed up quickly and Eli was rushed down to PICU with portable everything for this move. I received a call from the doc at 4:30am telling me I needed to get up to the hospital because they were thinking they were going to need to intubate at any minute and that Eli had a 50/50 chance at the point of making it. I FLEW up here.
The rush was to get an IV going. couldn't get one. couldn't get a PICC line, couldn't get a central line. Anesthesia from these was fun. He went into the 40's and had to be bagged during the attempts. His oxygen did well for a bit after and then took a bit of a nose dive this afternoon Messing with machines and setting constantly. Surgeon here to do a central line cut down in the OR but everything else needs to be stable first.
Eli has pulmonary hypertension which apparenty can be life threatening. He had his 12lead and now is getting his ECHO and then his cardiologist will come in and assess the damage/danger. They are concerned about a blood infection/septic. He has a sinus infection. So right now his surgeon is here, 2 pediatricians, pulmonology, cardiology, and the PICU medical director/intensivist is here.
So right now that's the only updates we have that I can quickly type while they finish the echo. for full updates go to facebook as it's the easiest to keep updated because i can do it from my cell phone.
to find me on facebook my email is
also we want everyone to know that just because we can't respond to each one we are amazed by everyones love and support!!! We have received over 150 emails and I can't even count the text messages and phone calls! I can't wait until Eli is past this and he's older for us to tell them the story about how many people surrounded him and lifted him up during this time. love to all.

1 comment:

Zwickl Family said...

Sending prayers for your family and baby Eli. Get well soon, boy!