Friday, April 4, 2008


My surgeries will be done in 3 stages. I will include links if interested in more detailed info. WARNING the links do contain pictures that the website has chosen to use. They are not clothed so be aware before opening links in front of kids or at work, and no the pics aren't of me! :)

Stage 1. Belt lipectomy
Click for Info and Pics
This phase takes care of the stomach, hips, butt, and outer thigh area. This is the hardest surgery and recovery.

Stage 2. Lower Arm lift, upper body lift, and breasts.
Click for Info and Pics
Click for Info and Pics
I can't find the link for the upper body lift but it takes care of the breasts, under arm area and the area on the sides of your chest wall.

Stage 3. Upper Inner Thigh.
Click for Info and Pics
also during this stage the decision will be made on if I want to go with a breast implant. It depends on how the breast part of stage 2 goes.

so that is the process and I'm so ready to get started. The changes to a body after massive weight loss are something I would have never imagined.


Marissa said...

How awesome for you! I am so proud of you!

Chelle said...

That is awesome Heather! I'm so proud of you for sticking to it and getting the weight off! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers as you go through these processes!