Tuesday, November 10, 2009

34 1/2 week OB appt

Had my OB appt this morning. Mr Eli's Heartbeat was 144, which is good. The bad news is his head is right up partly under my right rib still. Not where it should be. Dr J had trouble feeling the exact positioning of the rest of his body as my stomach muscles are still sooo tight from my surgery less than a year ago. With my muscles being shortened and sewn together it makes for a whole different pregnancy situation. Dr J says he doesn't think manual turning would even be possible with how my muscles are, not that he's willing to do that anyways. We don't have any more updated info on his kidneys or his weight until my next appt/ultrasound on November 24th. Dr J says if at that point he is still breech then a c-section will be schedualed. For those of you who know the M & M story, Dr J said he forgot to tell us that Peanut M & M's are the only ones that work! :) gotta love him! In other news I've shrunk 3cms in the last 4 weeks, so not sure what that is about, just soooo hoping that Eli is still gaining good week. Anxiously awaiting the next ultrasound.

In Benjamin's world. Finally got a call back from his teacher, who is putting out the word to his social workers and we are going to find who in the community is will to take on Ben's case and get some plans figured out. The only changes at school his teacher said is that they stopped using his individual TEACH scheduale and he is using the class scheduale only. She says he seems to be doing well. She is at just as much of a loss as we are, so hopefully with everyone involved we can figure out what is going on. I love him to death but I SOOOO exhausted. Yesterday was a day of questions and he obsessed about them most of the day. We spent large quantities of time yesterday discussing what bug eats paper. He wasn't happy with any of our answers and we were never able to figure out what he was wanting. He is now sleeping in the loft right outside of our bedroom where we can constantly keep an eye on him, his privacy has been completely taken away and he has very minimal things, and someone is constantly following him around. It's rough on everyone but we don't know what else to do right now. We can't have him hurting himself, or his siblings, or burning the house down.

Thank you to everyone for the kind words, emails, posts, and offers of help. I've been super slow to respond, and I know even when I have it's pretty vague. Unfortunately we don't know what we need for help. It's a constant and hard to say what would or wouldn't help. So if we don't respond it's not that we are being rude, we just have no idea right now. It's basically daily survival mode.
Love and hugs to all!!!!

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