Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday Update

Bob is in KC and getting situated.  Yesterday was his 1st day or work and all went well.  He's back at it today.  M-F 8 to 5!  Super nice.  This evening after work he will also be looking at his 1st house.  Hoping to find something by a move in the 1st of June. 
It was asked why Bob didn't take Eli with him.  First Eli doesn't yet having nursing there.  Secondly Bob is living at a friends house in a small bedroom.  Thirdly Bob is working, Eli can't just go to daycare.  Fourth Bob can't just take off work everytime Eli has to go to a doctors appointment, even if Eli had nursing the laws do NOT allow them to drive the clients.  Eli is best here at home with his nursing and his home.  I will travel up for each of Eli's appointments right now.  We didn't expect Bob to find a job so quickly. 

We are all ok here.  Missing Bob alot.  Emilys foot is getting better, slowly but surely.  Jace is doing pretty well.  He got 100% on his last spelling test PLUS 1 of the bonus words!  Super exciting!  All the extra work this year is really paying off!  Ben is doing decent.  Yesterday he had some issues and took a bit to get him back on track.  Ari is doing well.  Busy as always.  Ari and Eli have started bounding and he's really enjoying her company.  She loves baby-ing him!  :)

I will try and get some pictures up this weekend.  The kids are all going to an easter egg hunt so I will take some pictures there!

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