Monday, July 23, 2012

Quick Early Week check In

It's been a fairly quiet few days, which is incredibly unusual.
Eli's neuro appt went well.  He's happy with the advancements Eli has made with walking and with signing.  His last EEG didn't show any seizure activity, but did still show "overall reduced background waves".  Which we already knew. 
We went out of town on Saturday and had a great time seeing friends that we haven't seen for awhile.  It's always nice to reconnect with people and feel at home!  Sunday was church and we spent some time getting some basics done around the house.
This morning was back to the gym and we got 3 miles in this morning.  We again ran every other lap and the kids did great with it.  Then it was off to Emily's violin lessons.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing.  I actually got to watch 2 whole TV shows today.  I'm not even close to caught up but it was nice to get to lay low for an afternoon.  I even got some housework done and a bit of rearrainging of furniture.  Tonight was some super yummy pumkin waffles with apple cider syrup.  Always a popular meal! 
The rest of the week is fairly light appointment wise.  Eli has therapy, we have a meeting with the nursing agency, Ben has a med recheck, Eli has the glasses fitting and the audiologist, and we have our movie of the week and an exotic animal event at the library.  Not counting our 4 days of running at the gym.  I know to most that doesn't sound very light, but for us it is!  :)
I will update on Wednesday after our exotic animals event with some pictures!

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