Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Home for now

We are home!!! Mr Eli gained 2.3oz!!! This was his biggest gain so far! The docs came thru and decided that since he was doing well that we could go home. They got all the home health supplies ordered and taught us how to check the placement of the NG tube, and run the pumps and all of those things. They got all of his prescriptions and such set up. He goes to his pediatrician once a week for checks and labs, his GI doc once a week, home health twice a week minimum, and the RN's will be on call anytime needed. Right now he seems to be donig pretty good with the NG tube and hasn't choked since we've been home. His meds weren't easy to get him to take tonight so we'll be having to call the doc tomorrow to figure out how to make it better. It's a bit strange and scary being home and parts of our house look awfully hospital like. Strange. We are soooo glad to be home for Christmas though!!! More updates soon!


ahumphries said...

why don't you just give him his meds through his ng?

Michelle said...

Glad to hear that you are home.

Michelle said...

Glad to hear that you are home.